Talk To Our Planter System Experts.

Planters are versatile. You can use them on a green roof to create an outdoor room, at a restaurant to encourage social distancing, or in a park to provide shade. Our planter soil system gives you flexibility to design the kind of space you and your client want.

Talk To Our Planter System Experts.

Planters are versatile. You can use them on a green roof to create an outdoor room, at a restaurant to encourage social distancing, or in a park to provide shade. Our planter soil system gives you flexibility to design the kind of space you and your client want.

Create Private Spaces

Planters can be used at-grade or on a rooftop to encourage and enhance current social distancing requirements.

Download Specs

With system specifications and technical drawings available, it's easy to specify and plan.

Choose from 2 systems

One at 14-18 inches, and one at a total depth of more than 18 inches, depending on the plants used.

Create Private Spaces

Planters can be used at-grade or on a rooftop to encourage and enhance current social distancing requirements.

Choose from 2 systems

One at 14-18 inches, and one at a total depth of more than 18 inches, depending on the plants used.

Download Specs

With system specifications and technical drawings available, it's easy to specify and plan.

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