Rooftop Farm + Goode Green / Greenpoint, New York, New York

Posted in Jobsite Photos, News Link, rooflite News on October 5, 2009

This project has got legs.  Take a look at Rooftop Farm’s website HERE.  Everyone has written about it, visited, or blogged on it.  Now its even made it to the CBS Evening News.  Last Friday a nice piece aired featuring soundbites from Annie Novak and Lisa Goode, along with some nice shots of fall crops on the roof.  Take a look at the video linked in the article HERE.

The great folks at Goode Green were kind enough to send me some pictures of the installation from Eagle Street in Greenpoint form this spring.  I guess its easier to move 3 tractor trailers of rooflite® to your roof if there is a crane yard next door.  Take a look at the install photos below:

Rooftop Farm, as installed by Goode Green, growing in rooflite® Intensive growth media. Photo Courtesy Goode Green

Of course, what everyone wants to see is the yield, what kind of production is possible.  And it appears that Ben Flanner and Annie Novak had a ‘fruitful’ first season.  I loved this picture so much, it was my desktop for half the summer.  Glad to see they’ve moved on to the fall crops.

rooflite® going up to the roof; Manhattan, NYC - Photo courtesy of Goode Green

As for Goode Green, they’ve had a busy summer and fall.  They’ve been doing installations around Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens.  Most recent high profile project, the green roof at the Firmdales posh new Crosby Street Hotel.  The shot below was taken on a crystal clear fall morning, as rooflite® Intensive was hauled to the roof at Crosby Street, with the Empire State Building in the background.

All Photos ©2009, Goode Green, LLC.