NRDC Green Roof

Posted in green roof, Jobsite Photos, News Link, Site Visit on July 25, 2012

There is a great post over on the Natural Resources Defense Council’s The Swithboard titled “So, what’s a green roof got to do with it?”  Carol James, a Senior Program Assistant with the NRDC’s Water Program hits the nail on the head with the answer:

NRDC Green Roof / Photo Credit Carol James

“Gazing at its beauty, it is easy to forget one of the roof’s most practical benefits: the prevention of stormwater runoff—an issue about which my colleagues in the Water Program are hard at work spreading the word.  Just the other day, in this crazy hot DC summer we’re having, I watched a deluge during a thunderstorm and clearly saw the roof absorbing much of the water.  I was reminded of the fact that this absorption helps reduce runoff into storm drains, which otherwise would flow untreated into the Potomac River and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay.”

We are also fond of the post because the beautiful green roof described above grows on rooflite.  In August 2011 Gordon Contractors of Capitol Heights, Maryland installed 22 cubic yards of rooflite extensive mc and 13 cubic yards of rooflite intensive to extend the third floor terrace and create the value added space so critical to NRDC core mission.  As Carol described the installation:

“Last fall, dirt was laid down, and bushes and seedlings were planted.  It was hard to imagine at the time that anything would grow amid the surrounding concrete and steel.  Today, though, in the height of summer, the roof is lushly green.”

We never had any doubt that those super sacks of rooflite could transform a little piece of DC structure into an urban oasis.  Installed on 2 million square feet of green roofs every year, rooflite is North America’s number one green roof soil.  Join the NRDC, and grow on us!


The success of any greenroof starts with rooflite soil.  To learn how to add quality, consistency, and experience to your next greenroof project – visit today and Grow On Us™!