Exelon Building Central Plaza The new Harbor Point waterfront area in Baltimore is a mixed-use project with office & retail buildings, open space, affordable dining options, and residential units. Two rooflite soil systems were used to build a key addition to the Harbor Point neighborhood: Central Plaza, a 1.5 acre park, which provides much-needed green …

Exelon Building Central Plaza

The new Harbor Point waterfront area in Baltimore is a mixed-use project with office & retail buildings, open space, affordable dining options, and residential units. Two rooflite soil systems were used to build a key addition to the Harbor Point neighborhood: Central Plaza, a 1.5 acre park, which provides much-needed green space for neighborhood use. Built on top of a parking garage for the adjacent, new Exelon building, the park features a center area of grass, garden areas, stone paving with benches, and tree-lined walkways on the perimeter. Central Plaza is built with two rooflite soil systems: rooftop lawns and rooftop trees. The rooftop trees system offers the large specimen trees a deep system, which mimics natural soil horizons and provides a special layer for the deeper root zone required by trees. The beautiful rooftop garden is a thriving oasis in this new area – complete with the iconic Domino sugar sign and the water in view.


Project Name: Exelon Building Central Plaza
Year: 2016
Location: Baltimore, MD
Type: Semi-Intensive & Intensive
Size: 65,000 sq. ft. 
Installer: Ruppert Landscape 
Green Roof Design: Mahan Rykiel Associates 
rooflite Blender: Laurel Valley Soils